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August 13, 2012
  Town of Princeton, MA
August 13, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY13 Warrant #3
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

Stan moved to accept the minutes of July 30, 2012.  Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
Cultural Council
Incoming Chair Karen Rossow attended. Karen informed the Board that her fellow Councillors are Andrea Caspari, Christian Gal and Kate Greene. By statute the Council needs to have a minimum of five and maximum of twenty-two members who may serve for a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. Karen emphasized the need to reach the statutory minimum sized membership to insure state grants continue to be awarded.

The Council receives Federal funds that are dispersed by the state to Local Cultural Councils based on the municipality’s population. Princeton receives approximately $4,000 per year. There is one round of awards for local cultural events per year. Applications are due by October 15. Applications are reviewed and grants are awarded soon thereafter in a single meeting of the Council. Traditionally the Cultural Council meets for only this one meeting each year. Karen thinks two or three meetings per year are appropriate.

The Board thanked Karen and the Council for their efforts to provide a wide variety of cultural events to the town.

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
John advised that though the classroom and cafeteria windows passed the leak test, the kitchen test window failed. He is gathering information about how the problem will be addressed.

He also reported that the louver project is proceeding. It and the skylight will likely exceed the contingency, but the work needs to be done.

Thomas Prince PCB Project
Last Thursday the consultant reported to John that the Modification Report should be completed this week.

Assessor Appointment
John reported that no one has yet asked to be considered to fill the vacancy. The Board discussed means to publicize. John will repost on website. Edie suggested a PMLD insert. John informed the Board that practice is no longer available as PMLD now outsources invoicing. Edie wondered if an insert can accompany tax bills. John will look into that.

Police Department Fees
Following up from the July 2 meeting John reported additional nearby municipal policies for charging for use of cruiser during a police detail: Ashburnham, $10/hour; Boylston, no charge; West Boylston $10 flat rate. Chief Powers and John recommend a $10 per hour charge be established to offset gasoline and vehicle wear and tear with the fee not to apply to details for municipal customers.  Stan moved, Neil seconded to establish a detail fee of $10 per hour for use of a police cruiser as part of a detail exempting from the fee all municipal entities including but not exclusive to PMLD, Highway Department and Tree Warden. All in favor (3-0).

On the matter of increasing the fine for a Handicapped Parking Space Violation from $50 to $100 the Board asked John to learn and report back the cost of printing new tickets as there are approximately nine hundred in inventory and how long it would take to exhaust the supply. John reported that the number of Handicapped Parking Violations annually is less than ten, sometimes less than five.

New Business
Cemetery Deeds
Stan moved to sell to Karson Y. and William E. Aubuchon of 105 Merriam Rd. four (4) one body spaces in Woodlawn Cemetery 1986 Extension, known as Lot 18D, spaces c and d and Lot19C, spaces a and b. Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Stan moved to sell to Suzanna L. Cleveland of 74 Main St. Princeton, MA two (2) one body lots in Woodlawn Cemetery 1986 Extension, known as Lot 15B, space a and b. Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Stan moved to sell to Sarah Lynn Cleveland of 74 Main St. Princeton, MA a one body lot in Woodlawn Cemetery 1986 Extension, known as Lot 16B, space d. Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

State Primary Election Warrant
Stan moved, Neil seconded to sign the State Primary Election Warrant for Thursday September 6 from 7 AM to 8 PM. All in favor (3-0).

Board and Committee Appointments
John reported that the Clerk discovered an individual was inadvertently not included in the annual appointment/re-appointment process. He requested the Board vote to correct the omission. Stan moved, Neil seconded to appoint Catherine LePage to the Personnel Board for a term to expire June 30, 2014. All in favor (3-0).

Personnel Matters
John asked the Board to ratify his selection of Marie Auger as Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. Stan so moved, Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

John reported that Library Director Wendy Pape has sent the Board of Library Trustees a letter of resignation effective December 31, 2012 after twenty-three years of service. She plans to retire. The Trustees will meet Tuesday August 14 to accept the letter and consider Chairman Jane Weisman’s draft plan to hire a new Library Director. Wendy has offered to help the transition process however she can.

The Board expressed its great appreciation for all that Wendy has done.

Other Business
John reported that he served on a committee of the Small Town Administrators of Massachusetts (STAM) to develop a Professional Certification process. The proposed process was approved at the STAM Annual Meeting in June. John was appointed to the Certification Committee to oversee the process. He intends to seek the certification to improve his skills. The Certification Process requires attendance at multiple educational programs and certain related experiences but emphasizes no-cost or low-cost means to meet those requirements.

Stan suggested the Board begin its Performance Evaluation of John in early November and have it complete by mid-December. This schedule allows adequate time for a newly elected member to observe the Administrator, but is still before the budget process ramps up. John will provide materials to the Board

Stan also commented on the Mass Broadband Initiative process. Town Hall, Public Safety Building, Library, PMLD, Thomas Prince School, Princeton Center and Mt. Wachusett summit should be connected by June 2013. A wholesale provider is needed after that for those facilities to take advantage of the connection. Stan advanced the question if some consortium/cooperative of small towns may provide some advantages from the economies of scale of a larger group.

Public Comment

Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents:
Cultural Council Annual Report 2011
Cultural Council Expenditure Report 8/9/12
MGL Chapter 10, Section 58
Police Chief Powers memo, Fees 6/11/12
Parking ticket Samples